Title examinations and Closing Services, Joshua Title has you covered.

We understand that proper processing of a deed or agreement benefits the homeowner. We file the correct documents to protect your real estate investments.

Title Examinations
Property documentation affects how a property is transferred during major events such as divorce, death or even the sale of a home. Avoid unpleasant surprises, get all the details on a property before signing a purchase agreement.

Whether you are purchasing or selling real estate, knowing what to expect and being prepared at “closing” can help eliminate stress and result in a pleasant experience.

How Can Document Preparation Help Me?
Real life example: An unmarried couple bought a house together. We listed them with the “right of survivorship”. This type of document specifies if one partner passes away the property would transfer to the other and not the deceased surviving heirs. The couple ensured they would not lose their home in the case of a tragic loss. Call us with any questions.

Title ExaminationS
Property documentation affects how a property is transferred during major events such as divorce, death or even the sale of a home. Proper document preparation protects you and your family’s new investment. Learn about the types of documents Joshua Title can prepare for you. We can prepare several types of deeds and a variety of related documents.

Warranty Deed
Warranty Deed is the strongest deed and warrants to the Grantee:
- That the Grantor has not previously conveyed the estate or any interest therein to anyone except the Grantee; and
- The estate is free from encumbrances. The General Warranty Deed is the deed most used in insuring titles to real property and gives the most protection to the Grantee.

Special Warranty Deed
Limits the warranty to: “by, through or under the Grantor but not otherwise.”
These deeds are often used when the conveyance is from an executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, etc. There must be a valid reason for the Grantor to be limiting the warranty. We want to be certain that the Grantor does not have knowledge of some defect in the chain of title that is not being acknowledged.

Quitclaim Deed
Does not contain “grant and convey” language.
Quit claim deeds are not acceptable in the direct chain of title and are normally used only for curative matters. An example would be where a Divorce Decree properly divests one spouse’s interest in the property to the other–a Quit Claim Deed may then be used to satisfy disposal of the spouse’s interest in the real estate transaction.
- Property Records: Documents filed with the state that include information about mortgages, assessments, taxes, liens and judgments, levies, easements or restrictions of subdivisions.
- Specific Power of Attorney: A written document given by one person or party to another authorizing one to act for the other.
- Promissory Note: A written promise to pay a specified sum of money to a designated person or entity. This can be handy if you are financing with a privately held mortgage by an individual or company.
- Deed of Trust: The recorded document filed against the collateral to secure the promissory note. This can also be called a mortgage.
- Release/Satisfaction of Mortgage: A document stating the mortgage or Deed of Trust has been paid in full.
- Partial Release: A document releasing only part of property from mortgage.
- Estate by Entirety Deed: A type of concurrent estate in real property held by a Husband and Wife whereby each owns the undivided whole of the property, coupled with the Right of Survivorship, so that upon the death of one, the survivor is entitled to the decedent’s share.
- Personal Representative Deed: A property involved in Probate can be transferred by the Personal Representative.
- Road Maintenance Agreement: An agreement signed by all parties involved to maintain roads.
- Easement: An agreement that allows one party access to property that they do not own. For example your driveway may pass over another person’s land. An Easement Agreement states this activity is allowed by both parties.
- Subordination Agreements: A written contract in which a lender who has secured a loan by a mortgage or deed of trust agrees with the property owner to subordinate the first loan to a new loan.

Who might need a County Records Search?
Potential Home Buyers
Small Business
Real Estate Agents
Property Owners

We Can Search Records in Any County in Tennessee
Avoid unpleasant surprises, get all the details on a property by ordering a full title search.

Property documentation records affect how a property is transferred during major events such as divorce, death or even the sale of a home. We can search any records in the State of Tennessee to ensure there are no surprises when you purchase real estate.

Types of Records Available
1. A type of deed where the grantor (seller) guarantees that he or she holds clear title to a piece of real estate and has a right to sell it to the grantee (buyer).
2. Discover whether or not a property has any previous mortgages assigned to it.
3. Judgment liens are court awards for money owed to a creditor; the liens are attached to the debtor’s property.
4. An agreement that allows one party access to property that they do not own. For example your driveway may pass over another person’s land. An Easement Agreement states this activity is allowed by both parties.
5. Deed restrictions are rules and regulations that govern one or more lots or parcels of land.

Buying a New Property?
We understand that by keeping you informed and helping you prepare for closing day, the more likely you will have a stress free closing experience. Our courteous and professional staff is proactive in their communication and works diligently to ensure the orderly and efficient transfer of real estate… and we do it with a level of service and friendliness that is hard to beat in this industry.

Whether you are buying or selling real estate, knowing what to expect and being prepared at the “closing” can help eliminate stress and result in a pleasant experience.
Joshua Tittle can perform a variety of services to ensure your closing goes smoothly.
- Closing Statement preparation
- Disbursing funds from our Trust Account
- Recording any vesting deeds or Deed of Trusts
- Effective and clear communication with all parties involved in transaction- real estate agent, buyer, seller, and lender